Treat Diabetes Naturally: 2 Superfoods Doctors Don’t Tell You About

There is hope for the vast numbers of people worldwide who suffer from diabetes. Read on to learn how to ease diabetes naturally with two miracle superfoods doctors don’t tell you about.

Herbal and natural medicine is based on thousands of years of experience in healing disease. Not only minor ailments or chronic disease, but life-threatening diseases as well.

There’s no argument that diabetes is one of the most serious imbalances of our times. So, it’s very exciting to discover how to treat diabetes naturally with two superfoods doctors don’t tell you about: bitter gourd and jamun fruit, an age old Ayurvedic remedy. Bitter gourd and jamun balance blood sugar levels in both Type I and Type II diabetes patients.

They also provide other amazing health benefits, such as regulating blood pressure. The health conditions that cause diabetes can be reduced and degeneration caused by continued diabetes can be avoided.

Bitter Gourd and Jamun: Superfoods That Treat Diabetes Naturally

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is technically a fruit and a member of the squash family. It’s also known as karela, balsam pear, and bitter melon. This green and bumpy gourd-like fruit is commonly used (more like a vegetable) in Chinese and Indian cooking, despite its strongly bitter taste.

There is a phrase in Ayurveda, “Bitter is better.” It means that the bitter quality of a food or herb is one sign that it has positive health benefits. Thankfully, for those who cannot abide the bitter taste, powdered karela, or bitter gourd, can be taken in capsule form.

Jamun, Jambol or Jambolan (Syzygium Cumini, Eugenia Jambolana) is the sweet fruit of the plant family Myrtaceae that originated in Africa. It’s also common in Southeast Asia, India, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands. Jamun is also known as Java plum, black plum and, in India, as Indian Blackberry.

It’s dark purple with a smooth skin and doesn’t look like a blackberry or a plum; it actually looks like a large black olive. It’s juicy flesh is sweet and tart in taste. In the case of jamun, both the fruit flesh and its seeds have medicinal properties that treat diabetes.

These two fruits together make a powerful combination to treat diabetes naturally. They have slightly different characteristics, but complement each other for a balanced result.

Let’s look at what these two fruits offer…

Karela or Bitter Gourd Health Benefits

1. Treats Diabetes Naturally ( as described above)

There are two phytochemicals found in bitter gourd, Polypeptide-P and Charantin. Both are known glucose inhibitors. They cause a hypoglycemic effect on both Type I and Type II diabetes sufferers. Functioning in a similar fashion as insulin, this not only relieves high blood sugar, but also protects the pancreas. A third component, Vicine, is known for cleansing the blood.

These powerful components are found in all aspects of the gourd – the flesh, pulp, oil, and seeds. They also promote absorption of glucose in cells of the body.

Thus, bitter gourd provides the initial goal of stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Bitter gourd also fulfills the long term goal of improving overall health and quality of life. This is done while preventing the dangerous complications that arise over time in most diabetic patients.

In addition to the incredible curative property of bitter gourd for diabetes, there are even more health benefits of this wonder-food.

2. Balances Blood Pressure

With a high level of potassium, bitter gourd helps the body mitigate excess sodium, and regulates blood pressure. The flavonoids in bitter gourd also help lessen the risk of strokes.

3. Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral

Bitter gourd is a blood purifier that combats infections and viruses.

4. Weight Loss

Bitter gourd helps to deplete fat cells of the body and increases metabolism. Both of these actions are helpful for weight loss.

5. Helps Eyesight

High in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, bitter gourd also treats macular degeneration. Its high Vitamin K content also improves eyesight and helps to prevent cataracts.

6. Treats Constipation and Aids Digestion

Bitter Gourd acts as a digestive stimulant, which, by aiding digestion, also helps eliminate constipation.

7. Improves Skin and Hair Health

Bitter gourd is anti-inflammatory. When taken internally, it treats the underlying causes of skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. For skin, bitter gourd is used topically, by making a paste of powder and water. This is applied to wounds, sores, blisters, and other skin rashes.

Bitter gourd juice has a high vitamin and biotin content. It can be rubbed into the scalp and hair to combat dandruff, split-ends, and lack-luster hair. As a paste, bitter gourd powder is applied to the scalp, improving overall hair quality and scalp health.

8. Anti-cancer

Active natural ingredients in bitter gourd eliminate cancer cell reproduction and also deter the spreading of cancer cells.

Bitter gourd is particularly effective in mitigating leukemia, and breast, liver, and prostate cancer cells.

Health Benefits Of Jamun Fruit

1. Treats Diabetes Naturally

Jamun fruit contains powerful anti-diabetic ingredients that slow down the rate that sugar is released into the blood. However, it’s the jamun fruit seeds (plus the bark and leaves) that are the superheroes when it comes to diabetes. In Madagascar, where the jamun fruit is known as java plum, the fruit’s anti-diabetic properties have been studied for over 40 years. These studies were based on centuries of local historical use.

In the 1970’s, java plum seeds were developed into a pharmaceutical anti-diabetes medicine, Madeglucyl®. Since that time, the drug has been used successfully by those suffering from diabetes in Madagascar.

The seeds contain two unique substances known as jamboline and jambosine, which are defined as “glucosides.” Glucosides have a positive effect on the pancreas and slow the conversion of starch into sugar. They increase insulin availability and have hypoglycemic properties, which reduce blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it’s an amazing combination to take both bitter gourd and jamun together to treat diabetes naturally.

2. Aids Digestion

Jamun effectively aids digestion and counteracts digestive disorders such as diarrhea and dyspepsia.

3. Lowers Blood Pressure

Jamun seeds contain alkaloids that regulate heart rate, prevent blood clots, and can help lower blood pressure.

The jamun fruit also helps heart health because it’s high in potassium, which helps prevent the production of bad cholesterol.

4. Treatment of Sore Throat and Asthma

With a high Vitamin C content, jamun has been popular in Ayurveda for both prevention and treatment of colds and sore throat. Functioning as an expectorant, jamun treats bronchitis and asthma.

5. Antioxidant and Blood Purifier

Jamun is a known antioxidant that improves immunity. Rich in iron, it aids hemoglobin production and purifies the blood, helping avert skin problems. It also increases collagen production, improving the skin’s youthful appearance.

6. Anti-cancer

Jamun has anti-tumor properties, reducing tumor size and also reducing spread of cancer cells to other body organs.


In order to treat any potentially serious disease using natural remedies, we recommend consulting with a naturopathic physician or herbalist. With help, you can then determine a program to add bitter gourd powder and jamun juice and/or seed powder to your regimen. If you are currently taking prescription diabetes medication, this should always be done with the inclusion of your primary health care practitioner.

Just don’t be intimidated if your doctor is not convinced that an herbal remedy will help you. In the western world, modern medicine teaches that there is no way to successfully treat diabetes naturally. Most patients, believing that there are no other options, start down a lengthy road that does not lead to improving their situation. This path merely treats them through an inevitable process of decline.

Many western medical practitioners know nothing about herbs, as their confidence and practice is built upon modern medicine. Fortunately, east does meet west! Now, remedial measures that have been known by some cultures for thousands of years are available to all. Everyone now has the ability to treat diabetes naturally, with the help of herbs like bitter gourd and jamun.

The choice of how to treat your body is yours, so, ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how you want to heal your body. And it’s always a good idea to watch your diet and do everything you can to maintain healthy eating habits.

If you want to really boost your overall health, taking just a little bit of fresh bitter gourd juice every so often is a super-tonic, but it’s not easy to find fresh bitter gourd. Sometimes it’s available at Asian or Indian markets. It’s highly bitter, so adding a bit of honey or lemon will help to mitigate that bitter taste. Drinking karela juice is useful, even if you do not suffer from diabetes!

You can buy loose karela powder (bitter gourd) online, or you can buy bottled karela veggie capsules. You can also buy dried organic karela fruit that you can rehydrate as needed and add to smoothies or soups. Jamun powder and jamun veggie capsules are also available online. Starting with capsules first is easiest because they are no fuss and you can test out these herbs with minimum effort and expense…unless you don’t mind bitter tastes or you’re into filling your own capsules.

If you are a diabetic patient, it’s worth looking into, because, what could be better than avoiding further suffering in life?