The Best Anti-Aging Oils And Butters For Skin Care

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Beautiful skin is important if you want to look your best. Natural oils, essential oils, and plant butters help keep skin healthy, glowing, and vibrant. In this article, we discuss the best anti-aging oils and butters for skin care. We also cover which oils work best for which skin types and skin issues. Plus, we’ve included some recipes so you can make your own!

Maybe you’re one of the fortunate people who already have great skin and you’d like to keep it that way. Or, maybe you don’t know why your skin is not cooperating, and you want to fix that.

In either case, for a blemish-free and youthful complexion, natural plant-based oils and nut butters can help!

Many skincare oil and cream formulas make use of these natural ingredients. And, some of the best skincare lotions and oil blends are simple ones you can make at home.

But just because something is plant-based or “natural” or “vegan” doesn’t mean it’s good for all skin types. Luckily, there are hundreds of gorgeous plant-based natural oils, butters, and essential oils that help different types of skin and skin issues. Oils, butters, and essential oils on the list below can protect and preserve the skin from aging and environmental pollutants.

When making your formulas for skin oils or balms, it’s a good idea to choose a carrier oil and then add a smaller percentage of specialty oils or butters to the mix. You can top off the formula with an even smaller percentage (drops instead of teaspoons) of essential oils that suit your specific skin care needs.

Note: When choosing natural oils for skincare, it’s always important to purchase cold-pressed, preferably organic oils. That means, oils that come from plants grown without pesticides and that are not extracted using harsh chemical solvents that are known allergens and/or toxins.

Organic cold-pressed oils will be safer and more nourishing for your skin. If organic oils are not available, (or too costly) at least choose cold-pressed oils!

Natural Anti-Aging Oils For Skin Care (alphabetical order, not preference)

Natural plant oils make a perfect base for skin care oil mixtures, balms, and serums. They can be used alone or in combination with nut butters and essential oils when creating face creams, massage oils, or specialty skin treatments.

1. Apricot Kernel Oil

One of the most soothing and protecting oils, apricot kernel oil is moisturizing and hydrating, making it a top choice for dry or aging skin (all skin is aging! So, even if you’re young, it’s never too soon to start treating your skin with care and preventing wrinkles!).

Apricot kernel oil is high in antioxidants and vitamins (K & E) that combat free radicals and nourish the skin. Its high fatty acid content creates a protective skin barrier, so it also helps prevent sunburn. Apricot oil gives a smooth and silky feel to the skin, and can be used to massage away aches and even out skin spots.

2. Argan Oil

This nearly miraculous exotic oil is extracted from the small brown seeds of the argan tree. Argan oil has been a favorite for skin, hair, and nail protection in the desert climate of Morocco since recorded history. It’s perfect for all skin types and all age groups.

Argan oil is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiseptic. It’s chock-full of vitamins (A&E), sterols, and fatty acids (Omegas 6 & 9) that prevent aging and rejuvenate damaged skin. Those factors all help combat fine wrinkles and other signs of aging. Argan oil provides sun protection and balances skin tone/coloration.

Argan oil is considered a “specialty oil.” It’s most often produced by women’s cooperatives, in a labor-intensive and lengthy process that produces only small amounts of the precious oil. It comes with a higher price point, so it’s fortunate that a little argan oil goes a long way in producing its marvelous effects!

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut is probably the most versatile and healthiest oil on our earth. You’re probably already aware of the myriad health benefits that come from adding coconut oil to your diet, but coconut oil is also incredible for skin care.

With its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil repairs, nourishes, and revitalizes the skin. It’s also useful for diminishing wrinkles and moisturizing… plus, it smells fantastic!

Coconut oil is excellent on its own and in specialty oil mixes.

4. Jojoba Oil

Made from the seeds of a perennial shrub that grows in the North American southwest, jojoba (pronounced ho-ho-ba) oil is exceptional for moisturizing skin. Its notable “superpower” is the ability to penetrate deeper skin layers to hydrate and rejuvenate, making a wonderful base oil for skincare mixes. Rich in vitamins (A, B, D & E) and antioxidants, jojoba is good for all skin, including sensitive skin.

Jojoba oil is known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, so it helps heal acne and diminish facial scars.

5. Marula Oil

Yet another exotic plant oil is marula oil, used for thousands of years in Sub-Saharan Africa for beauty and skincare. Made from the seeds (nuts) or fruits of the Marula tree, this oil is a rich emollient that hydrates and moisturizes, without being heavy or greasy.

Marula oil can penetrate deeper skin layers, reducing inflammation and healing wounds. It also keeps skin from producing too much oil.

This beneficial oil is perfect for anti-aging as it keeps skin from drying out and decreases fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Olive Oil

This popular ingredient in Mediterranean diets is also a well-known cosmetic component. Legendary beauties, from Cleopatra to Sophia Loren, are examples of how olive oil can maintain beautiful skin. Most of us would benefit from adding olive oil to our beauty routine.

Olive oil is high in vitamins (A, D, E and K) that are known to protect the skin against the sun and other environmental influences.

Olive oil also contains squalene, a moisturizing and cell-regenerating oil produced in plants and animals (including humans!).

Squalene is only produced by our skin cells when we are young, declining as we enter our 30s. Therefore, if we want to benefit from squalene’s anti-aging properties, we must look for a supplemental source.

Pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries usually source squalene from sharks, and this vast exploitation endangers the mighty sea creatures.

Happily, olive oil is a plant-based source of squalene that combats aging, and olives are a plentiful renewable resource!

Note: Although olive oil is excellent for most skin types, it is not recommended for those with ultra-sensitive or acne-prone skin.

7. Rosehip Oil

Made from the seeds and fruit of rose bushes and suitable for all skin types, rosehip oil is light, hydrating, and doesn’t clog pores. High in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin C, this oil regenerates and heals damaged skin.

Its distinct anti-aging benefits, such as producing collagen and reducing wrinkles, make it a near-perfect skin care oil. Rosehip oil can be used daily, directly on the skin, or in a mix of other oils.

8. Sea Buckthorn Oil

For skin care, sea buckthorn is unrivaled, as it contains all four Omega fatty acids that stimulate skin cell growth and counteract skin aging. It reduces inflammation, promotes skin elasticity, and soothes weathered skin. This softening and moisturizing oil also reduces acne and skin lesions.

Additionally, sea buckthorn oil protects against harmful UV sun radiation and diminishes wrinkles.

9. Sweet Almond Oil

One of the most useful and all-purpose oils for skin care, sweet almond oil is light, nourishing, moisturizing, and hydrating for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It’s often used as a carrier oil for massage oils and face serums. Sweet almond oil is rich in key vitamins and fatty acids that promote radiant and healthy skin.

Sweet almond oil has a high Vitamin A content that promotes skin cell regeneration. This effectively counteracts the aging process in facial skin.

Sweet almond oil is also antibacterial, so it naturally treats acne, psoriasis, and rosacea.

10. Borage Oil

This beautiful Mediterranean plant provides a truly wondrous oil for regenerating skin cells and improving overall skin quality. It is also known as Starflower, because of its exquisitely detailed star-shaped flowers.

With high amounts of GLA, a type of Omega fatty acid, borage seed oil increases skin elasticity and firmness, rebuilding damaged collagen.

Borage is anti-inflammatory and is good for all skin, even sensitive skin. It also diminishes under-eye circles and treats skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. Borage is even better for the skin when taken internally (about ½ teaspoon per day) than when used topically.

Its inflammatory phytonutrients heal skin issues from the inside out, while also healing other inflammation-related health problems. Borage is good for maintaining moisture levels in the skin and throughout the body, and for helping with PMS period symptoms.

Note: Borage is not suggested for internal use by pregnant women or those taking blood thinning medication.

Natural Anti-aging Nut Butters For Skin Care

Nut butters are rich, creamy, and thick substances that can be combined with oils and essential oils to create custom facial balms and creams. They are mostly sold in solid “chunk” form, although they tend to melt when they reach body temperature.

1. Cocoa Butter

This rich, highly emollient, and delightfully cocoa-scented butter from the cocoa bean is perfect for dry skin. Cocoa butter is useful for anti-aging because it’s super-high in anti-oxidants.

Cocoa butter also reduces stretch marks and diminishes scars. It’s recommended for people with sensitive skin.

2. Kokum Butter

Kokum butter is extracted from the fruit seeds of the kokum tree, which is similar to the mangosteen. Widely used in skincare these days, kokum is often added to salves and balms, making them richer and more hydrating.

Kokum butter is lighter than cocoa butter and is non-comedogenic (doesn’t clog pores) so it’s useful for sensitive, dry, and cracked skin.

3. Mango Seed Butter

You may love to eat plump juicy mangoes, but you might not have realized that the mango seed can be pressed for its natural butter for use in skin care.

Excellent for all skin types, mango seed butter is creamy and rich, but also light and not greasy. It has little or no aroma, so it’s a great addition to skin creams and lotions. Packed full of nutrients and vitamins, mango seed butter can prevent sunburn and also treat sunburn after the fact. Mango butter is non-comedogenic and is especially useful for relieving drying skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

4. Shea Butter

Shea butter comes from the nut of the African Shea tree and has been prized as a skincare wonder since ancient times.

With numerous anti-aging components, shea butter is best for those with dry, delicate, and aging skin. It boosts collagen production and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It’s also anti-inflammatory and antifungal. Its high Vitamin A content helps repair the skin and lessens scars.

Shea butter is creamy, satiny, and rich; it feels heavenly on the skin! Whiter shea butter has less aroma, while the more yellow shea butter can have a very strong scent (sometimes to the point of being unpleasant).

Natural Anti-aging Essential Oils For Skin Care

Essential oils are very concentrated and can be used by the drop as powerful additions to skincare cream and serum formulas. A little goes a long way and these oils are not suggested here as stand-alone remedies.

1. Fennel Seed Essential Oil

Full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients, fennel seed oil is a perfect skin toner for all skin types, particularly for mature skin.

With both astringent and antiseptic properties, this oil not only heals bumps and bruises, but also fights wrinkles and improves blood circulation to the skin surface.

Fennel seed essential oil combats oily skin and helps heal active acne and acne scars. It has a sweet and slightly peppery aroma.

2. Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense, often touted as the “Botox” of the plant world, is a sticky resin extracted from the sap of the Boswellia Carteri tree.

Frankincense essential oil excels in anti-aging. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic active ingredients counteract the deterioration of elastin in the skin, slowing down the aging process.

This oil also reduces discoloration due to sun damage while healing skin blemishes and scars.

It has a spicy, musky, and sweetly subtle aroma that is quite pleasant in skincare formulas. Frankincense is also an antidepressant and mood-balancing essential oil.

3. Helichrysum Essential Oil

Also known as Immortelle or Everlasting, it’s not surprising that helichrysum (hell-ee-kriss-um) essential oil is a favorite for anti-aging facial treatments.

Its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components inhibit cellular destruction while helping collagen production. This counteracts the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and diminishes scars.

Helichrysum essential oil is healing to the skin. It can be used as an antiseptic for cuts and wounds, as well as for healing new bumps and bruises anywhere on the body.

With its fruity and honey-like flowery scent, a little bit of helichrysum essential oil is a popular addition to face serums and oil mixtures.

4. Neroli Essential Oil

This spicy, citrusy, flowery essential oil comes from the flowers of the Bitter Orange tree and is one of the best essential oils for anti-aging.

Neroli aids in skin-tightening by eliminating inflammation, allowing the skin to regenerate its elasticity by producing more collagen. With powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial actions, neroli helps create tighter, brighter, and more youthful skin.

Neroli oil is highly moisturizing and can be used by all skin types, even for those with oily or dry skin.

5. Rose Geranium Essential Oil

This lovely essential oil is excellent for balancing out all skin types. With its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions, geranium oil repairs skin from sun damage and aging. Especially good for oily skin, this essential oil balances sebum production and sloughs off dead skin cells, helping the skin appear fresh and clear.

Rose Geranium essential oil also unclogs pores and tightens skin. With its spicy, slightly sweet scent, it is a welcome addition to any skincare potion.

And, In A Class All Of Its Own…

Finally, a smidgen of castor oil added to any curative or regenerative face oil or balm is wonderful for skin and health. This special oil is thick and viscous, so a little goes a long way, and castor is rarely used alone. When added to a skincare salve or balm, it provides nutrients and emollients that improve any skincare product.

My Most Recent Skin Care Recipes

1. My Favorite Face Oil Mix

Right now (morning and evening):

3 parts apricot kernel oil

1 part sea buckthorn oil

½ part sweet almond oi1

½ part rosehip oil

several drops (up to 20) of Neroli Essential Oil

2. Soothing Balm For Super Sensitive Skin

This mixture is a very mild and simple mix of:

coconut oil

beeswax – enough to firm up the coconut oil

several drops of castor oil

3. Shea Butter Balm

Equal amounts of shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax make an effective skin balm for softening rough, dry skin patches. It’s perfect for using on heels, feet, and elbows.


Skin can be delicate! And no matter how much we care for it, we’re inevitably going to see signs of aging over time. The good news is, we can make the most of our skin by starting an anti-aging skin routine when we are younger. That way, we can have glowing and radiant skin for many more years to come. But anytime you start is better than not starting at all, so jump right in no matter what age you are!

These sumptuous and exquisite natural oils, butters, and essential oils help us to have (and keep) the healthy skin that we love.