How To Dissolve Cysts And Tumors Naturally With Amazing Castor Oil

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Castor oil is one of the most common kitchen cabinet folk remedies used to promote healthy digestion each season, otherwise known as a colon cleansing. But did you know you can also dissolve cysts and tumors naturally with castor oil?

Almost everyone has heard stories about “Grandma’s traditional spring castor oil cleanse.” Are you someone who had one? Castor oil is great for a cleanse but that isn’t the most amazing benefit of castor oil.

The best thing about castor oil is this: You can apply it topically and naturally dissolve cysts and tumors. Seriously.

What is Castor Oil

Castor oil is a wonder-substance that comes from the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Historically, castor oil was documented for medicinal use as early as 1550 B.C. by Egyptians, although cultures with oral histories have been using it even longer. It’s known as Palma Christi, or Palm of Christ, for its miraculous healing properties.

This thick, viscous oil has a strong odor and taste and can be tricky to use but its benefits are well worth the effort.

One of the great points about castor oil is that it’s easily accessible in pharmacies and/or health shops worldwide. Plus, it’s not expensive!

Castor Oil Uses and Health Benefits

1. Helps Shrink Tumors, Cysts, Warts and Corns

Many people are not aware that castor oil is a discutient. That means, it has the ability to draw out harmful toxins that build up in bodily tissues. This is most often attributed to one of its active ingredients, Ricinoeic acid, a rare Omega-9 fatty acid.

To effectively shrink large or persistent tumors and cysts, we need to apply a castor oil pack to the area. A castor oil pack is usually a large square of absorbent 100% cotton or wool fabric soaked in castor oil. We place the pack on the problem area and cover it with a towel (or cover the soaked fabric with a layer of plastic wrap). We then apply a heating pad over the covered pack. The heat allows the area to absorb the castor oil into the body’s lymphatic system, promoting drainage of accumulated toxins.

One type of cyst known as a sebaceous cyst, usually appears due to a clogged hair follicle that traps oil and sebum from the scalp or skin, forming a waxy nodule. In the case of sebaceous cysts, castor oil may not appear to have an effect for several treatments. Then the cyst will contract and draw upwards as the oil or sebum is drawn to the surface of the cyst. At some point, the cyst will open up and the icky old matter will drain out. This process may happen more than once before the cyst fully dissolves.

As is the case with most ailments, the sooner a lump, cyst, or tumor is treated with castor oil after its initial appearance, the easier it will be to dissolve the offending lump away.

Castor oil is also effective in dissolving:

  • Fibroadenomas (benign breast lumps made up of glandular and fibrous tissue)
  • Lipomas (painless lumps beneath the skin made up of fatty tissue)
  • Ganglion cysts (round, hard, fluid-filled lumps that grow on joints, most commonly wrists and tendons)
  • Ovarian cysts (either fluid filled or solid sacs that grow within or on the outside of an ovary)
  • Uterine fibroid tumors (tumors that grow as single tumor or in clumps, either within the uterus or within or on the outside of the uterine wall)
  • Dermatofibromas (fibrous nodules or lumps that appear under the skin, usually on legs or arms

Will Castor Oil Dissolve tumors that you cannot visibly see or feel?

Heated castor oil packs, placed over the area in question, can penetrate the skin and reach the deeper layers of tissue, including the tumor. Many personal experiences describe castor oil dissolving a deeper-seated tumor.

It’s most effective to leave a castor oil pack on for at least 2-3 hours at a time. As with most natural remedies, results don’t happen instantly and will require patience for the best outcome.

For ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and breast fibroadenomas, 45-minute treatments of castor oil packs with heat over several months are advised.

Reminder: If you have been to a medical doctor and have been diagnosed with a tumor (even if you can’t feel it) please consult with your doctor about your plan to use castor oil, especially if you are currently undergoing treatment for the tumor.

For small cysts or warts, it may be possible to simply rub castor oil over the affected area several times per day, leaving the oil to soak in through the skin.

For foot corns: Foot corns that appear on the tops of toes or in-between two toes are usually caused by ill-fitting shoes. The first step to healing a painful corn is to stop wearing the offending shoes. After a shower or bath, when the corn is soft, gently file the raised skin down with a pumice stone. Then rub a little bit of castor oil on the corn.

To keep the castor oil from seeping all over, you can either wear a sock, cover the castor oil-covered corn with a band-aid overnight, or band-aid the two toes together if the corn is between two toes. Remove the band-aid during the day to let the area breathe. Depending on the size of the corn, it could take several treatments to heal.

Regarding Cancerous Tumors

We have heard several positive anecdotal stories about the use of castor oil on cancerous tumors, but…we have no direct personal experience with this. If you are currently seeking to dissolve a cancerous tumor with castor oil, please get advice from a natural health care practitioner who either has experience with this, or will assist you to go through the process. It could be more intense than resolving a benign tumor.

Please note: This comment is not a replacement for medical advice. Any action taken is your own personal responsibility. But, if you want options that fall outside of the medical advice you’ve received, please find a local natural practitioner who will help you with your specific situation!

Castor oil is one of those marvelous miraculous gifts of nature…so I hope that everyone who chooses to use castor oil finds their own personal miracle.

Regardless of what type of tumor you are trying to resolve, the process will involve the tumor material being drawn away from the tumor site and released. For this reason, you should always accompany any use of a discutient (such as castor oil) with the use of supporting herbs known to remove unwanted toxic material from the body.

There are two herbs we suggest to help remove tumor material. The first is manjishta, a very powerful herb for blood purification and detox that is highly recommended in Ayurveda.

The second herb is purnarnava, another Ayurvedic herb that is excellent for resolving blood stagnation. Along with blood clotting, stagnating blood can also contribute to tumor formation, so purnarnava is a good choice to help with blood cleansing.

2. Colon Cleanse

“Grandma’s spring cleanse” really does work! Ayurveda recommends a cleanse each season, but even once or twice a year is good for health. Castor oil, taken internally, is a natural laxative that relieves constipation and removes toxins from the body. Castor oil has a very strong and unpleasant taste which is one reason why no one looks forward to a colon cleanse.

A traditional recipe according to Dr. Suhas Khirasagar, director of the Ayurvedic Healing and Integrative Wellness Clinic in Northern California and an advisor with the Chopra Center, recommends adding 3-4 teaspoons of castor oil to your diet during the days prior to a cleanse (not all at once!). On the day of cleansing, he recommends taking 2 tablespoons of castor oil mixed in a small glass (1/2 cup) of fresh squeezed orange juice (to mask the icky flavor).

This is taken on an empty stomach in the morning. You can take a bite out of a slice of orange to remove the flavor of the castor oil in your mouth after drinking down the mix. No other food or drink (including water) should be taken until the cleanse is completed. Plan to stay at home all day; the castor oil needs time to do its work. You will evacuate the bowels 2-5 (or more) times before the flush is over (Please see the link in the sources below for details.)

Take it easy for the rest of the day, as you may feel a bit tired after all that cleansing. It’s better to eat a liquid diet on that day and mild food for the next 3 meals until the system has adjusted. So, that means, don’t cleanse with castor oil and then go out for pizza or fried food the same night!

NOTE: As castor oil is not considered a “food” due to its undigestable properties, you will most often find castor oil advertised for skin care. However, organic cold-pressed, hexane-free, castor oil is used internally for colon cleanses.

If you are being treated for serious health conditions, consider getting the advice of a physician before undertaking a castor oil colon cleanse.

3. Anti-aging

Applying castor oil to the face helps create collagen and elastin. Castor oil smooths fine lines and face wrinkles, brightening and giving a “glowy” look to skin.

With its many, many healthful benefits for skin, castor oil is often added to beauty creams, balms, lip glos,s and lotions. Its phytonutrients (plant nutrients) and emollient qualities enhance any skin care recipe.

4. Heals Dry Skin and Cracked Heels

A little bit of castor oil applied anywhere on the body, especially on callused feet or cracked heels, will soothe dry skin, helping skin cell regeneration.

5. Nourishes and Lengthens Eyelashes, Thickens Eyebrows

A little dab of castor oil on eyelashes and eyebrows before bed will nourish the lashes/brows and add to their length/thickness over time.

Remember: NOT in a day, or two days…but over time!

The older you are, the longer regeneration will take…be consistent and patient for best results.

6. Soothes Sunburned or Inflamed Skin

Castor oil’s regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties will soothe sunburn and decrease skin inflammation.

7. Settle Digestion and Relieve Abdominal Discomfort

Believe it or not, something as simple as massaging castor oil onto the belly button and abdomen can work wonders! If you do this before bed, clean your belly button first and then massage with castor oil gently for a few minutes. Let the castor oil soak in and leave overnight, washing off in the morning.

8. Nourishes Scalp and Hair and Promotes Hair Growth

Castor oil is well known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Massage into the scalp and leave on overnight as a hair treatment. With repeated use, many people report a lessening of hair fall and actual regrowth of hair, in addition to more luxurious hair.

Note: Castor oil is very sticky and viscous and you’ll want to securely wrap your hair if you use it overnight. If that seems too messy, skip the overnight treatment and just leave it on for several hours before washing out. This will bring noticeable benefits, if you do it regularly.

9. Boosting Immunity

Studies have shown that even applying castor oil to the skin can boost the immune system and fight infection by increasing the white cell count of the blood.


See how miraculous castor oil is??

Castor oil has so many practical uses. It should always be on hand in anyone’s natural medicine cabinet.

It is recommended to use the highest quality castor oil available. Organic, cold-pressed oil is the best for both health and beauty purposes. Try to avoid ultra-refined castor oil. It most likely has been processed using hexane, a toxic chemical that can cause severe allergic reactions.

High quality, organic castor oil is not expensive. And if you’re trying to do something good for your body, it only makes sense to use the highest quality product. If in a pinch, you can always find castor oil in a pharmacy or drug store, but unless it is marked as organic, it will probably be more processed (refined) than is preferred. Pure natural castor oil works much better!
