Eat Blueberries Every Day For These Benefits

Scrumptious blueberries are full of vitamins, minerals and other goodies that are fantastic for health. But, how many blueberries do I need to eat to get the powerful antioxidant effects of these little wonders, and is it possible to eat too many blueberries? Read on to discover all the benefits of blueberries and how many to eat per day.

Incredible high-fiber, low-glycemic blueberries (vaccinium myrtillus) are tiny power-packs of nutrition. Part of their superfood power stems from anthocyanins – those flavonoids (phytochemicals, or plant nutrients) that make purple foods purple.

Anthocyanins have a long list of healthful qualities, a few of which are:

  • Antioxidant
  • Improve Cognition
  • Treat Ulcers
  • Heart Healthy
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Improve Eyesight

What Are The Health Benefits Of Blueberries

When you eat blueberries there are so many health benefits! Here are some of the ways blueberries improve health:

1. Antioxidant

Blueberries are high in polyphenol flavonoids that work to eliminate free radicals and fight the effects of aging. Antioxidants protect DNA cells, which, in turn, reduces the possibility of diseases such as cancer and age related diseases.

2. Brain Protective

Eating blueberries can protect the brain and minimize the effects that aging has on the brain. Short-term memory and learning ability improves with a diet high in flavonoids, which blueberries have in abundance. Consuming foods high in anthocyanins, such as blueberries, improves cognitive function in all age groups.

3. Heart Healthy

Cardiovascular health is improved by eating blueberries, as they contain phytochemicals that protect arteries and reduce inflammation, one of the highest contributors to heart disease.

4. Improve Eye Health

Blueberries contain numerous vitamins, uch as C, E, and A. Plus, they contain cartenoids that protect against age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration. These nutrients also stop the formulation of cataracts and provide over-all protection of eye health.

5. Help Urinary Tract

In much the same way that cranberries help the urinary tract, the vitamins in blueberries are antibacterial and useful in fighting urinary tract infections. When bacteria can’t stick to the lining of the urinary tract, infections have a harder time taking hold, even if one is prone to urinary infections.

6. Low Glycemic – Help for Diabetics

Compared to many other fruits, blueberries are not that high in sugar (measuring only 53 on the glycemic index) so are considered an acceptable fruit for diabetics to consume. And, on top of not causing blood sugar spikes, eating blueberries may actually improve blood sugar levels.

7. Support Immune Health

Eating blueberries has a positive effect on the gut biome, which, in turn, helps to strengthen immunity. When the gut is is not functioning properly, many immunity-related health issues can happen. So, boosting gut flora is key to keeping a strong immune system.

8. Anti-Inflammatory

The antioxidants in blueberries fight inflammation, which is the root cause of many diseases, such as cancer, arthritis and gout. When we eat blueberries, inflammation is lessened, and eating blueberries right after a workout can reduce the inflammation, soreness and muscle pain caused by exercise.

What’s The Healthiest Way to Eat Blueberries?

With all their powerful nutrients, we want to get the most out of eating blueberries.

Firstly, because they are often on the “Dirty Dozen” list of fruits that contain the highest amount of toxic chemical pesticides, it’s always recommended to buy organic blueberries whenever possible.

Secondly, recent research points to the fact that fresh raw blueberries have the most bio-available nutrient value. That means, it is easiest for our bodies to take the benefit of the plant chemicals in blueberries in their raw form. Even frozen blueberries carry the same nutritional value.

Some of the phytonutrients in blueberries lose a small percentage of their nutritional punch when they are cooked. Interestingly, some others are enhanced by cooking… so it’s almost as beneficial to eat cooked jams, pies, cakes, etc. that contain blueberries.

However, if you are eating blueberries for a specific health purpose, the best way to benefit is by eating fresh or frozen blueberries. Even blueberry juice that was processed using heat will be beneficial, just a bit less than eating fresh berries.

How Many Blueberries Can I Eat Per Day?

A nutritional serving of low calorie blueberries amounts to about ½ cup daily. However, if you’re considering blueberries for more than simply maintaining general good health), you’ll need to eat more blueberries per day. For curative health reasons, you’ll see more benefits from eating between 1-2 cups daily. And that’s a lot of blueberries!

While it might not be practical to actually eat that many blueberries per day, you can add a blueberry supplement or blueberry powder to your diet to get the additional nutritional benefits.

You can mix blueberry powder in smoothies, into chia pudding (fresh berries too!), into yogurt, or sprinkled on fruit bowls and in other desserts.


Blueberries are super-enriched powerhouses of nutrition that have numerous health benefits. Try adding low calorie, low sugar blueberries to your diet. Summer is the perfect time to start, when fresh blueberries are abundant. You can freeze some for winter, or buy frozen blueberries all year round. Then supplement with concentrated blueberry capsules or blueberry powder. Enjoy the benefits of these amazing little gifts of nature!