Relieve PCOS With Supplements That Decrease Androgens

PCOS is a complicated syndrome, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution to cure PCOS symptoms. However, you can get relief from the sometimes debilitating symptoms by trying a few top natural remedies.

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder centered in the body’s endocrine system. Endocrine imbalance can cause infertility and debilitating symptoms such as weight gain, pelvic pain, menstrual problems, unwanted hair growth, and more. Most of these issues happen when your hormonal system produces excess androgen.

Androgens are a natural part of any woman’s hormonal system, but too much androgens cause unwanted problems. Here is where natural remedies that reduce androgen excess can help relieve your PCOS symptoms.

In order to successfully treat PCOS naturally, it’s important to practice getting in touch with your body and listen to what it is telling you. Learning to recognize your wellness and discomfort patterns will put you on the path to wellness.

Before we continue, it’s important to note there is not one test to verify PCOS and there is not one definitive solution to the syndrome.

Managing and controlling and curing PCOS is a very individual process.

The following list is not exhaustive but contains some of the best natural remedies for relieving PCOS symptoms. If you’re currently under a physician’s care or have questions about natural remedies, please consult with a qualified practitioner before using these remedies.

1. Reishi Mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms are medicinal mushrooms (not for cooking and not for getting high!) that have some amazing health benefits. They are among the most powerful members of the plant kingdom for PCOS because they’re anti-androgenic and reduce testosterone.

In addition to these healthful qualities, reishi also reduces all types of inflammation and regulates menstrual cycles. The result is boosted immunity, and added anti-cancer protection.

Reishi is most often taken in powder form, and it’s important to look for reishi powder made from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom plant – the part that contains the most medicinal value.

2. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic adaptogenic herb that has been used for thousands of years to resolve various health difficulties. Adaptogenic herbs relieve stress, one of the factors causing PCOS symptoms.

Ashwagandha is helpful for treating PCOS because it assists your body to process glucose by regulating the endocrine system and increasing insulin sensitivity.

Ashwagandha also benefits women with PCOS by:

  • boosting immunity
  • aiding sleep
  • helping balance sexual dysfunction that results from hormone imbalance
  • combating inflammation

3. Turmeric

PCOS sufferers benefit from turmeric’s active component, curcumin, which is nearly unsurpassed for counteracting not only inflammation, but also depression.

Turmeric is heart healthy, an important factor for PCOS suffers who are at risk of cardiovascular disease due to hormone imbalance.

The anti-inflammatory actions of turmeric help relieve pain. One of the most popular turmeric remedies these days is a calming turmeric golden tea beverage taken before bedtime to encourage good sleep. Note: If you’re avoiding dairy for PCOS substitute with plant-based milk like almond or oat milk.

If you take turmeric as a supplement, its bio-availability is enhanced (especially for women with PCOS metabolism issues) when it is combined with black pepper.

Hint: You can always add a little turmeric to your food when you are cooking (turmeric is what makes Indian curry yellow) and get an extra little punch of turmeric goodness every day.

4. Stinging Nettle Root

Stinging nettle root is another powerful herb for balancing the endocrine system. Nettle root contains plant compounds that decrease the levels of free testosterone in women with PCOS. When the levels of testosterone drop, so do uncomfortable PCOS symptoms, such as acne, unwanted hair growth, and irregular menstrual cycles.

NOTE: Although stinging nettle leaf also has great medicinal value, stinging nettle root is the one you want for treating PCOS.


Inositol is a vitamin-like compound that is sometimes referred to as “Vitamin B8” even though it’s not really a vitamin. It’s a substance that occurs naturally in foods that are rich in fiber such as beans, citrus fruits, brown rice, cantaloupe, among others.

Inositol is very effective in reducing androgen levels in women suffering from PCOS. It is calming, so it helps to minimize stress and anxiety. Because it can cause drowsiness, it should be taken at night before bed. Inositol helps preserve fertility and can be a game-changer, if used along with other lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

Inositol comes in various forms and can reverse PCOS symptoms, such as irregular periods and cravings for sugar/overeating in general.