How To Use Baking Soda To Fix Everyday Health Issues

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Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda, is a mineral salt found in nature. It’s also known as bicarbonate of soda, or natron. The amazing, yet inexpensive substance has been known throughout history for its many healthful and practical uses. Learn all the reasons why you should always have some baking soda on hand to fix everyday health issues and prevent big ones.

Baking soda is one of the most interesting natural substances that can be used for so many purposes!

It’s like a miraculous little medicine cabinet and cleaning agent all rolled into one inexpensive package. In the USA, sodium bicarbonate is used commonly in baking…everything from cookies to cakes to breads, so it’s a staple in most kitchen cabinets.

What is Baking Soda?

Baking soda is a derivative of the natural mineral nahcolite. Its chemical name is NaHCO3 and it is mined in areas wherever it naturally occurs in abundance. Baking soda is alkaline and it’s original state is a whitish-gray crystalline structure. It is also referred to as a mineral salt.

The Many Uses of Baking Soda For Health

As early as 1846, in the USA, the Arm & Hammer company owner-brothers, began selling bicarbonate of soda commercially. Over the next 170 years, their company went through several iterations, and they became the most prominent retailer of baking soda in America.

Because baking soda was so well known as a natural medicinal aid, in 1925, influential physicians of the time encouraged Arm & Hammer to produce a booklet all about the therapeutic uses of baking soda.

The booklet, entitled “A Friend In Need (Tested Medicinal Uses of Bicarbonate of Soda)” was given freely to educate the public on how to use baking soda for health. You can sometimes even find a vintage original copy of the booklet for sale online. Note how it states “…as a proved medical agent” and that it fulfills the requirements of the US Pharmacepoeia…statements that you certainly don’t hear these days from the relevant agencies…but back in the day, it was common knowledge!

And, of course, the medicinal value of baking soda has not changed over the years…it’s still as effective as it has always been…

Here is a quick list of baking soda’s health benefits:


So many people suffer from acid indigestion or heartburn, and as a result, become addicted to over-the-counter acid relievers. Baking soda, when added to water, breaks down to form sodium and bicarbonate, which is is alkalizing and reduces stomach acid. Adults can easily take from ½ up to 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and get fast results. This can be done every few hours until the situation improves, but it’s usually fast-acting. Plus, it is incredibly inexpensive!

The alkalizing effect of baking soda helps to avoid numerous ailments that develop from high acidity in the stomach.

Stops Both Diarrhea And Constipation

Baking soda is also adaptogenic, which means it has the ability to resolve imbalance that manifests differently in different people. So, it can both stop diarrhea or relieve constipation, depending on what is needed. It can be taken safely for either issue.

You will have to try baking soda to see how this age-old remedy works for you…you may need to adjust the amounts for your particular symptoms, but here’s a start point:

For diarrhea: add 1/3 –1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 2 tablespoons of water. Add the juice of one lemon into the baking soda/water and stir. Quickly drink the mixture down while it is foaming.

For constipation: mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ¼ cup warm water and drink down quickly.

Soothes Sore Throat

Gargle with a mixture of 1 teaspoon baking soda in ½ cup warm water. Gargle for a few seconds with a mouthful of the mixture, spit out and repeat until the glass is empty.

Analgesic, Great For Pain Relief

Baking soda is a potent analgesic and many people who take it get relief from various types of pain. Baking soda can relieve headaches, arthritis pain, pain from physical injuries and even muscle cramps from overexerting during exercise. Just take a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.

If you suffer from foot pain or back pain, relief can be gained by doing a foot soak with warm water and baking soda, or by diluting 3-5 tablespoons of baking soda in your warm bathwater and having a long soak.

Athletes often take a glass of baking soda water before starting their exercise to keep from getting muscle cramps during activity. And some report that it provides added energy, improving performance.

Cancer Preventative

It’s often said that over-acidity in the body’s pH balance can cause cancer. Baking soda is alkaline, so many people take baking soda as a supplement until alkalinity is reached. This can help eliminate the overly acidic conditions in the body that cancer needs to thrive. In this case, it’s a good idea to check your pH balance regularly while taking baking soda.

With all natural remedies, too much of a good thing is too much…so, you don’t want to continue taking baking soda once alkalinity is reached.

In fact, holistic practitioner Dr. Mark Sircus (AC., OMD, DM), a strong proponent of baking soda for health, has this suggestion about taking baking soda over time:

“…A break from using sodium bicarbonate should also be taken every 2 weeks and the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes should be made to remain more alkaline without needing so much bicarbonate…Buy some simple and inexpensive pH strips and see for yourself how acid you are and start practicing pH medicine.”

DIY Natural Deodorant

Mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda and add enough water to make a paste. Coat your armpits with a thin layer of the paste and let dry. Once dry, lightly rub off excess dried baking soda. This natural deodorant absorbs odors and works better than many other deodorants.

This is important, because most commercial deodorants products (particularly those that are also advertised as anti-antiperspirants) contain aluminum, which is toxic when absorbed directly into the blood stream. Aluminum is known to cause breast cancer and other cancers, reproductive issues and Alzheimer’s disease.

Natural Toothpaste

Baking soda can be used to brighten and whiten teeth and to remove tooth plaque. Just a sprinkle of baking soda on a dampened toothbrush will help to polish and shine the teeth.

You can also take a mixture of salt and baking soda (½ teaspoon each) in a cup of water and rinse the mouth and gargle with this mixture every morning. This will destroy bacteria in the mouth associated with tooth decay and help maintain fresh breath.

Heals Gingivitis

Making a mouthwash of one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and swishing with this mixture can successfully treat gingivitis (gum disease) if done regularly.

Help To Dry Pimples and Soothe Itchy Skin

Make a thin paste of baking soda and water. Dot onto pimples to dry them out. Allow the mixture to dry and gently wash off. This paste can also be applied to the entire face for exfoliating.

The paste can also be applied to soothe bug bites, swelling bee stings, or itchy skin.

Household Uses of Baking Soda

This article focuses on the health benefits of baking soda, but baking soda also has many, many household uses – literally hundreds! Not only is baking soda useful as a leavening agent, but it’s also incredible for keeping households clean – it works on everything from countertops to shower curtains, to laundry whitening, to removing stains from coffee mugs and teacups.

You can even shine cars with it! But you have to be careful to dilute baking soda in water, as it can scratch surfaces in its granular form.

By 1950, Arm & Hammer began to advertise about the many household uses of baking soda. In 1972, they suggested putting an open box of baking soda in refrigerators to absorb bad odors. The idea was to keep an open box especially for deodorizing, discarding it after a few months and replacing with a new box. Almost every household in America today still uses a box of baking soda in the fridge to keep odors away!

Because baking soda will absorb odors, you can also use it to freshen shoes from foot odor (sprinkling a bit into the shoes and letting it remain to absorb the odor, then shaking or brushing out before wearing the shoes again).

If you’d like to know more about baking soda’s household uses, check out this article by Greener Ideal that has a huge list!

You can usually buy baking soda at grocery stores and pharmacies, but do be careful to purchase from the baking section, when possible. If you buy baking soda that has been stored in the household cleaning products section of a store, it could taste and smell like detergent! Bakings soda is so absorbent, this happens often if it is not stored in the baking section.

If you want to be sure that your baking soda is pure and hasn’t absorbed any unwanted odors before you even buy it, and you plan to use a lot of it, you can always buy baking soda in bulk from your favorite natural herbs and products vendors.

Note: Baking soda is bicarbonate of soda that is used as a leavening agent in quick breads, cakes, muffins etc. It is not to be confused with baking powder, also a leavening agent, which is usually a combination of sodium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate, and sodium aluminum sulfate. Baking powder is not suggested for use as a health supplement.

In fact, we suggest using a baking powder product in your kitchen that clearly states on its packaging that it is “aluminum free.” Aluminum is a known carcinogen when ingested in food, or when applied topically in skin care products, sun screens and deodorants.